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Thursday, April 7, 2011

Bastard Factory is a bona fide Police State

By Geisha
(Formerly known as Iguana Goddess)

Bastard Factory (”BF”) is a bona fide Police State. Ruled by an arrogant, stubborn and incompetent Admin, the site is run like a prison camp - no one may post links to other forums for fear that the members may use the links to escape Admin’s despotic grasp. Hypocritically, BF’s growth strategy has been to spam other boards with its URL. However, when actual, real life bastards show up and register at BF they are banned instantly. BF’s other “growth strategy” is the generous use of socks to artificially inflate the board’s activity level. Until now, all attempts to learn more about this secretive regime were stymied by insta-bans. However, one brave soul has made it out of the dungeon alive and is here to share her astounding tale.

Iguana Goddess, one time henchman and “Super Mod” at Bastard Factory has joined AOF after resigning and being subsequently banned from BF. She now provides - for the first time ever - an inside look into one of the most pathetic sites on the Internet.

Anti Oppression Front: Thank you for agreeing to sit down with us; we realize that the wounds are still fresh from your courageous escape. First things first… tell us a little about how you discovered AOF and what your original intentions where here.

Iguana Goddess: I found you after doing a Google search on a member named Diamond Gypsy after she posted on BF. I had just intended on seeing what she was about and decided to grab a few members for BF. That plan went to hell when BF Admin decided it would be beneficial to raid other sites.

AOF: Did he tell you what his purpose was for raiding other sites?

IG: He wanted more members. The list of sites that he has raided is enormous! I don’t even think I could list them all if I tried. He spams other sites a couple times a week; he got cut from using Craigslist. He lost a long time email account because of it.

AOF: Raids, wanting more members, gets pissed if his current members post elsewhere that is not part of a sanctioned “raid”… is it just me or does the BF Admin sound like a psycho ex-girlfriend?

IG: I am beginning to think that myself.

AOF: Shocking that someone who spams the shit out of other forums (and has his mods write their own phony reviews of the site) complains and bans people for spamming…

IG: He once admitted he was a hypocrite for being like that.

AOF: So why name a forum Bastard Factory if he bans all the bastards?

IG: I honestly think he just bans those that he cannot control; he also freaks if people act “anti-BFF”

AOF: Wouldn’t “anti-bastard” mean they acted good? Oh but wait, he doesn’t want real bastards, just talk-tough e-bastards. Looks like he might’ve stirred up a hive of real bastards now. Can you tell us about what happened the first time he fucked with the wrong people and his forum got hacked?

IG: His definition of “anti-BF” is that they are against the site; God forbid anyone say one wrong word about his precious site. I woke up and went to get on the board only, it had been defaced. There was a picture of a man and his personal info. I can’t give exact details as I would have to break my promise that I made not to divulge certain information. But anyway the site was down for 2 days, not only was a good portion of the site destroyed but the admin was forced to move to a new hosting company. There was about 2 weeks worth of data lost. So a few of the BFF members decided to take refuge elsewhere for the time being.

I know he cried to digital gangster’s host [about getting hacked], then found out they own their host and they lol’d at him. Said he wouldnt have anymore issues if he switched to them.

AOF: We respect your promise but given that BF doesn’t bother to employ private registration on his URL we’ll let our readers draw their own conclusions on whose picture and data it was. Ok, so after the site came back online, you went back and everything was fine until you had your recent falling out. What happened?

IG: Well what happened was I got tired of being told not to post on other sites, that I was drawing attention away from his board. He started questioning me.
I lost it, I snapped. BUT I I politely told him I no longer wanted to be Super Mod, it was stressing me out. I was finally frazzled at the ends. He kinda got pissed and said, “Thanks, GOODBYE!” I planned on being a regular poster, until today. I went on the site and noticed I was missing posts in my count, probably around 20 posts. Then someone deleted my shouts where I told another member that I had resigned, why delete those?

AOF: You need to break out of your Stockholm Syndrome - you are safe now. Only butthurt mods delete links to other forums or get enraged when people DARE to participate in another forum. There is no excuse for deleting links to other forums/sites unless they have illegal shit in them. Sorry, got on my high horse there. You’ve mentioned several times that being a BF mod had you stressed. Can you tell us a little about how the admin wanted you to mod over there?

IG: I am still breaking out of my shell here. Duties over there were to move threads to appropriate forums, delete “spam,” merge threads that were of the same topic. I also had to merge diamondgypsy’s posts when she would multi-post while in the Ass Box [a "time out" area on BF where naughty members are exiled]. I took the heat for a lot of Admin’s choices. Admin’s solution to that was for me to stop posting on other sites instead of him manning up and letting it be known that he made the decision to ban diamondgypsy. I spent a lot of time covering up for the Admin. When info that he didn’t want posted, got posted it was my job to try to make it go away.

AOF: Ok so fast forward to now - does part of you miss BF? Do you think you can ever go back?

IG: I miss some of the people, but honestly I regret getting involved with Bastard Factory. The only good thing that came out of finding that board is that I found many other boards. Go back? He banned me, he even banned a proxy that I have never used.

AOF: After conducting an analysis of BF’s traffic statistics and post-to-member ratio, it appears to us that that many of BF’s “members” are actually Admin socks designed to make the site appear more popular. Can you confirm that analysis?

IG:[listing several of Admin's most active socks]

Veronica Bush
Maggie Faggart
Deep Cheese
Tension Whore
Mr. FuckingBigShot
Richard (something)

I know there is more I just can’t think of them. He also uses abandoned accounts to post. He even made a post in diamondgypsy’s name.

I had two socks: Pandora and ~Love Me~

AOF: Facsinating. Any advice you’d like to give the BF Admin if he’s reading this?

IG: He will read it. As for advice, I will never give him advice again. It’s like talking to the wall.

AOF: It’s a common phenomenon - someone pays a couple hundred bucks for forum software and hosting and suddenly thinks that he’s a Master of the Internet. They don’t realize that the power of the Internet is that many different information sources can be amalgamated together and instead try to build a prison camp to hold their members captive.

By the extraordinary level of BAWWWW he displays, it’s obvious that Mr. BF believes his site will grow to be huge and he will sell it and become rich if he just smothers it with so much LOVE. WRONG. He’s killing what he loves most.

So what are your plans now?

IG: LOL that is all so true. My plans now are to relax and enjoy my freedom to post without restriction.

AOF: We are glad to have you. Thanks for sitting down with us!

IG: It was my pleasure to give up the inside scoop.     

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Cosmic Outpost - The biggest Fail Troll Site on the Web?

By Gabriel

A troll board, or a flame board, should have a different approach to the way its run than a standard message forum. Standard forums often kick out “trolls” or trouble makers after a few (or more than a few) times. Flame forums and Troll forums, by their nature, need to operate by other standards because they are mainly geared towards general discussion of discussion on things like entertainment, family, or other topics.

By rights, a troll/flame forum should only ban someone who violates the TOS. And they should have a set TOS so that the members know if they’re following the guidelines or not. Being a troll forum, insults shouldn’t be a reason to ban a member. Neither should an insult directed at an admin or a moderator, especially if those individuals flame the members, be grounds for banning at a troll/flame forum.

Cosmic Outpost launched its “Fight Club”, now called “Ultimate Fighting” forum, over a year ago. It started out well. The Wise and Powerful, who had served as a moderator and “promoter” of matches at Flame Champs, was placed in charge of the Fight Club. He had Mr. SoulCancer (called SoulCancer at Flame Champs) as his moderator there. SoulCancer was more of a standard troll, with a short fuse, but TWAP’s experience would help balance out SC’s shortcomings. Originally the owner/admin, alternately called Unemployed Kernel and Unemployed Farmer, set standards which seemed reasonable. For instance:

1) Moderators and admins should not take sides.

2) The forum should be a neutral ground, for people from various forums and flame boards to meet, compete, and do battle.

3) PI should not be used (although PI was not clearly defined).

4) Children should not be used for flame fodder.

5) Copyrighted pictures cannot be used without the owner’s permission.

However, as things progressed, Farmer, an admitted troll, proved that whatever standards he set up meant essentially nothing. His moderators quickly began to pick favorites, as well as his administrators. Famine, a global moderator there, was one of the first who not only began flaming various people but clearly took sides. High Flyin Bryan, an admin, had obvious favorites as well. Two of these favorites were b.k. barunt and caskur. Bryan very quickly demonstrated that he would never vote against either barunt or caskur. In fact once, one time when barunt didn’t even show up for a match, Bryan voted for him to win anyway.

Things got worse at a rapid pace. It became obvious that Farmer preferred to run trolls on his own membership. These trolls included; pretending that he got a complaint to his host and that his url was in danger of being suspended; pretending that the United States government seized his domain and suspended it; repeatedly claiming he wanted to get rid of his site and turn it over to someone else when he had no intention of letting go of the ownership of it; posing as a Middlesex, New Jersey, County Sheriff and threatening a member with arrest and prosecution; signing up as a Federal agent in a copy of his own Sheriff troll; the list goes on and on. The sheriff and FBI agent handles were in direct violation of his own edict that admins and mods not take sides.

Farmer also proved to be a PI hound. Various people from other sites verified that he was known for investigating his new members and spreading around their personal information to others. One of the members he investigated was called TheProwler. Farmer googled Prowler’s IP and discovered the man was running a home server with a couple of websites off of that server. Farmer did a whois check on the websites and discovered the man’s real name, address, telephone number, and other vital information. Farmer them proceeded to send out Prowlers info to various people, including myself. Farmer allowed an admin at CO called Pogo to take the blame for spreading around the PI.

Farmer also violated several of his own “rules” that he set up. As mentioned before, he established a rule that children not be flamed or the children of members. Farmer himself flamed the child of a member called AlphaNova. Farmer stated that a member’s pictures could not be used on the board without the member’s permission; Farmer himself found pictures of caskur’s family on her photobucket account and sent links to them via the personal message system. It became clear that none of the rules that Farmer set up were going to be violated---not only by Farmer but by his other admins and moderators. The only admin who followed a code of ethics was The Wise and Powerful.

When Farmer’s deeds were exposed, he began threatening others that he would find out their PI and, as he stated, “the fun will begin”. Farmer displayed a short fuse, often banning people who flamed him back on his board. One member, called Wayne Reynolds, posted that Farmer was running a kiddie porn business off of his server. Farmer not only banned Reynolds for this but also changed a post of Reynolds so that it appeared as if Reynolds was soliciting kiddie porn. After Reynolds was unbanned, Farmer again banned the man when he posted a porn picture in a thread. Farmer falsely claimed the photo was kiddie porn; Reynolds, on other sites, proved it wasn’t. Not only that, but Farmer threw the moderator of the Fight Club, SoulCancer, to the wolves so to speak. SoulCancer posted in the thread where Reynolds posted the picture. SC did not object to the picture nor thought it was of kiddie porn at the time. Farmer, however, allowed SoulCancer to take the blame for not removing the picture from the thread.

Keep in mind that Cosmic Outpost’s Fight Club was supposed to be a combination troll/flame forum. Farmer was clearly throwing out, albeit temporarily, people for flaming him. His co-admin, High Flyin Bryan, proved just as worse. Bryan not only would ban members who flamed him, but he would additionally delete the handles of people who flamed him as well. Bryan also would go into member’s profiles and change their handles and/or their signatures. Bryan would openly threaten to delete members who challenged him. Bryan posted personal messages of people without their permission, and would put his own spin on what was said in the messages. Bryan himself admitted he discovered a member’s personal information (a member called JOODOG) and posted that info at another board (Troll Valhalla).

The global moderator and moderator of the Flame Forum, Mr. Soulcancer, also proved to be extremely short tempered. When I was tag team champion and flamed SoulCancer repeatedly, he posted openly that he had discussed with the admins how I was flaming him and that I would be stripped of the tag team title…despite no violation of the TOS. SC also threatened numerous times to post personal information about members. In a massive meltdown because members who SoulCancer disliked were not banned, SC actually spammed his own forum for an entire morning.

The clown show got even worse with EARTH RAPER, a moderator from the general forum, getting involved. ER bragged that member’s ability to report inappropriate posts was removed. This was done because caskur and TheProwler were repeatedly threatening to murder people, including myself, and both EARTH RAPER and Farmer didn’t want to have to ban them for making death threats. So Farmer prevented people from reporting the posts so as to claim plausible deniability. Farmer then began repeatedly changing the TOS. At one point he declared that members cannot flame moderators or administrators even if said people flamed the members. He also stated that members who bad mouthed the site would be banned.

Again and again Farmer, Bryan, SoulCancer, EARTH RAPER, famine and another moderator, Wick, proved that they would go into their panels if they were flamed. When Wick would be flamed, he would change the titles of threads, delete messages, and alter content. Essentially, the owner and staff of CO demonstrated that they could dish it out but they could not take it.

If Cosmic Outpost were a standard message forum then some of the actions (but not the PI spreading) might be considered appropriate. However, for a troll and/or flame site, it is not. The Wise and Powerful has made various attempts to make sure that the site is run fairly and with some standards, but the owner Farmer repeatedly sabotages those efforts. People should keep in mind that if they sign up at CO that their PI could be exposed by Farmer. Also, if they irritate the owner and staff they will use their panels and abuse their members.

I began my own site, called Cosmic-Outpost, to demonstrate what Cosmic Outpost was supposed to be. It’s located at

It is not the same site as Farmer’s Cosmic Outpost, but an original site without the mod/admin abuse. The Wise and Powerful, the only ethical admin at Farmer’s site, is an admin at mine.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

The Fail Offspring of TBM

By Obnoxious Bitch

The not so great yet bona fide and formally functional troll site, theybannedme.com had three fail offspring that not even a mother could love. These three offspring in birth order: noflamezonezone.com, rejecthaven.net, and banned-nation.com each have their own reasons why people lulz at them and why their productive life is long over if not their actual life.

Noflamezone was purportedly created as a lighter and more sociable site for mostly TBM’s members to post. This site only lasted a few months before it was totally cannibalized by its younger sibling, rejecthaven.net (known as reject-haven.com at the time). It’s power tripping albeit naive owner, Guess Who failed to see that he was only being used and set up by his top admin Geisha (known then as Iguana Goddess). He learned nothing from her history at Bastardfactory.com so it was repeated on his site when she used her relatively superior popularity to destroy his ill-conceived and planned site.

Reject Haven initially had the best chance of success out of TBM’s offspring due to inheriting most of TBM’s desperate for a new home member base. Unfortunately, TBM’s owner Reckless Bastard did not plan (at least not properly anyway) for an heir and successor site to TBM. This forced TBM’s former members to initially accept a socially inept, conniving, nepotistic butt smoocher to lead a quasi-replacement for TBM. This is another example of not learning from history thus repeating it. Besides the Bastard Factory debacle making it obvious, the old cliché about a ladder climbers not being made of the same stuff as an organization founder also came into play here. Rebellion almost immediately ensued. “Skanks and Faggots” was formed on lefora.com as a consequence of member disgruntlement of their new site’s leaders.

 Staff sedition and treason is a rich part of Reject-Haven’s history due to the contempt almost every one currently or formerly a member of her site feels for her. Only the, “I’ll fetch a bone made of plutonium and uranium with my teeth if you throw it in front of me”, fatally loyal as a dog, Ungh is the only original servant Geisha has left. Members fled all over the internet due to her site being less habitable than the Fukushima nuclear power plant is today. It’s hard to believe that a site whose inherited traffic that nearly rivaled its parent in its infancy has been reduced to less than twenty posts a day on average due to karmic justice. Karma is the world’s biggest bitch, even bigger than me.

Bannednation.com (BN2) is the same fail as Banned-nation.com (BN1) and for all practical purposes, the same site. These fail twins were just too conjoined to be considered separate fail off spring sites of TBM. This site may more accurately be described as the off spring of the defunct shitpostersmafia.com and TBM rather than purely TBM like its half-siblings. This site inherited a significant part of Reject Haven’s disgruntled current and former member base but squandered it for many but not all the same reasons Reject Haven squandered its inherited member base. BN’s paranoia and naïve idealism is the main difference between these two sites’ staff. Another significant difference is that BN staff goes beyond the cliquishness that RH staff does, they are at least sub consciously but perhaps consciously are isolationists like one of their parent sites, SPM and don’t really want new members. It’s only a matter of time before Banned Nation’s right wing militia like paranoia and isolationism closes off instant member approval to the public like SPM and BN1 thus killing their last hope for future growth as a consequence.

It’s not a matter of when all of TBM’s offspring will die but when and how. Too bad there isn’t a white knight out there that not only understood the operating philosophy of Reckless Bastard, “Not giving a damn is the first step necessary towards being made a moderator” (absolute apathy) and his tendency of not investing personal emotional capital thus getting too into the frays on his site, but also able and willing to recreate it and perhaps improve on it. Hopefully TBM’s offspring isn’t buried near their parent or TBM will be turning in its grave. TBM wasn’t that great of a site but it deserves more respect than to have its humiliating offspring buried next to it.


By Obnoxious Bitch

In the past, I have written many blog length critique posts about fail troll sites on their “dis”-respective sites themselves. This effort lets us just say was not appreciated by their staff. I have even received complaints about my complaints being blog length as well. This led to the many bans I have received.

Desperate to censor, silence, and discredit me, some sites’ staff has resorted to the pathetic attempt at confusing and conflating me with expert fail troll site crash tester and future contributor of this blog, the butthurt Nazi admins’ boogeyman and perhaps worst nightmare, Flaglerchat! Unfortunately for them, we are two separate trolls who employ two completely separate skill sets to expose fail troll sites and their staff. Their refusal to recognize this just adds to their self-pwn. I will not identify who they are because these lolcows will be more than happy to do it themselves.

No more do good trolls who truly believe in the “all legal posts should be allowed” philosophy and mission of trolls have to depend on the sites themselves to post their criticism of troll site staff whose frail egos, self-perceived importance, and need to feel power (real or imaginary) censor such needed criticism to the detriment of and contrary to this mission. This blog is a forum dedicated exclusively for this purpose.

Almost all troll and some troll friendly sites have people who have reason to think that a specific site is fail, most of whom will probably have someone with in depth knowledge and understanding of that particular site able and willing to write convincing or damning (depending on perspective) articles for this blog. If you would like an article about fail troll sites in general or specific troll sites published on this blog, email it to me and I will almost certainly publish it and always give you credit if it is published. I will likely grant author privileges to this blog once I can determine who is regularly producing articles for this blog.