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Tuesday, April 5, 2011

The Fail Offspring of TBM

By Obnoxious Bitch

The not so great yet bona fide and formally functional troll site, theybannedme.com had three fail offspring that not even a mother could love. These three offspring in birth order: noflamezonezone.com, rejecthaven.net, and banned-nation.com each have their own reasons why people lulz at them and why their productive life is long over if not their actual life.

Noflamezone was purportedly created as a lighter and more sociable site for mostly TBM’s members to post. This site only lasted a few months before it was totally cannibalized by its younger sibling, rejecthaven.net (known as reject-haven.com at the time). It’s power tripping albeit naive owner, Guess Who failed to see that he was only being used and set up by his top admin Geisha (known then as Iguana Goddess). He learned nothing from her history at Bastardfactory.com so it was repeated on his site when she used her relatively superior popularity to destroy his ill-conceived and planned site.

Reject Haven initially had the best chance of success out of TBM’s offspring due to inheriting most of TBM’s desperate for a new home member base. Unfortunately, TBM’s owner Reckless Bastard did not plan (at least not properly anyway) for an heir and successor site to TBM. This forced TBM’s former members to initially accept a socially inept, conniving, nepotistic butt smoocher to lead a quasi-replacement for TBM. This is another example of not learning from history thus repeating it. Besides the Bastard Factory debacle making it obvious, the old cliché about a ladder climbers not being made of the same stuff as an organization founder also came into play here. Rebellion almost immediately ensued. “Skanks and Faggots” was formed on lefora.com as a consequence of member disgruntlement of their new site’s leaders.

 Staff sedition and treason is a rich part of Reject-Haven’s history due to the contempt almost every one currently or formerly a member of her site feels for her. Only the, “I’ll fetch a bone made of plutonium and uranium with my teeth if you throw it in front of me”, fatally loyal as a dog, Ungh is the only original servant Geisha has left. Members fled all over the internet due to her site being less habitable than the Fukushima nuclear power plant is today. It’s hard to believe that a site whose inherited traffic that nearly rivaled its parent in its infancy has been reduced to less than twenty posts a day on average due to karmic justice. Karma is the world’s biggest bitch, even bigger than me.

Bannednation.com (BN2) is the same fail as Banned-nation.com (BN1) and for all practical purposes, the same site. These fail twins were just too conjoined to be considered separate fail off spring sites of TBM. This site may more accurately be described as the off spring of the defunct shitpostersmafia.com and TBM rather than purely TBM like its half-siblings. This site inherited a significant part of Reject Haven’s disgruntled current and former member base but squandered it for many but not all the same reasons Reject Haven squandered its inherited member base. BN’s paranoia and naïve idealism is the main difference between these two sites’ staff. Another significant difference is that BN staff goes beyond the cliquishness that RH staff does, they are at least sub consciously but perhaps consciously are isolationists like one of their parent sites, SPM and don’t really want new members. It’s only a matter of time before Banned Nation’s right wing militia like paranoia and isolationism closes off instant member approval to the public like SPM and BN1 thus killing their last hope for future growth as a consequence.

It’s not a matter of when all of TBM’s offspring will die but when and how. Too bad there isn’t a white knight out there that not only understood the operating philosophy of Reckless Bastard, “Not giving a damn is the first step necessary towards being made a moderator” (absolute apathy) and his tendency of not investing personal emotional capital thus getting too into the frays on his site, but also able and willing to recreate it and perhaps improve on it. Hopefully TBM’s offspring isn’t buried near their parent or TBM will be turning in its grave. TBM wasn’t that great of a site but it deserves more respect than to have its humiliating offspring buried next to it.


By Obnoxious Bitch

In the past, I have written many blog length critique posts about fail troll sites on their “dis”-respective sites themselves. This effort lets us just say was not appreciated by their staff. I have even received complaints about my complaints being blog length as well. This led to the many bans I have received.

Desperate to censor, silence, and discredit me, some sites’ staff has resorted to the pathetic attempt at confusing and conflating me with expert fail troll site crash tester and future contributor of this blog, the butthurt Nazi admins’ boogeyman and perhaps worst nightmare, Flaglerchat! Unfortunately for them, we are two separate trolls who employ two completely separate skill sets to expose fail troll sites and their staff. Their refusal to recognize this just adds to their self-pwn. I will not identify who they are because these lolcows will be more than happy to do it themselves.

No more do good trolls who truly believe in the “all legal posts should be allowed” philosophy and mission of trolls have to depend on the sites themselves to post their criticism of troll site staff whose frail egos, self-perceived importance, and need to feel power (real or imaginary) censor such needed criticism to the detriment of and contrary to this mission. This blog is a forum dedicated exclusively for this purpose.

Almost all troll and some troll friendly sites have people who have reason to think that a specific site is fail, most of whom will probably have someone with in depth knowledge and understanding of that particular site able and willing to write convincing or damning (depending on perspective) articles for this blog. If you would like an article about fail troll sites in general or specific troll sites published on this blog, email it to me and I will almost certainly publish it and always give you credit if it is published. I will likely grant author privileges to this blog once I can determine who is regularly producing articles for this blog.